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Trapped behind the walls

John Carpenter’s film Escape From New York made quite an impact when it was released in 1981. The movie takes place in a dark future where Manh...

Unite to stop Rohingya persecution

After nine Myanmar security officers were killed at the Bangladesh border by unidentified assailants on Oct 9, the systematic persecution and massacr...

The Moscow summit and the great alliance

During the time when the Syrian civil war was beginning to escalate to grave levels, I expressed many times, both in my columns on international medi...

Winning over the millennials

ALTHOUGH they are not currently at the forefront, today’s young generation is expected to shoulder responsibilities in all areas in the near fu...

Evil legacy of the past: Anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism is an ancient disease. Surely, it is evil and poisonous, but also odd in the way that it doesn't subside and continues down through...

Total records : 2301